Beyond Impossible

Overview: Beyond Impossible (BI) is an interview project focus on exploring race and comics in the United States. When persons of color imagine in the public sphere it become a sociopolitical act that challenges preconceived notions of what is possible. BI is a mix mode series of interviews. I have pursued this as a public humanities engagement about comics and identity through forum both popular and academic.

Race, Shock, and Social Protest: An Interview with Qiana Whitted,” Black Perspectives: The Blog of African American Intellectual History Society (AAIHS) (blog), April 10, 2019,

Julian C. Chambliss and Ryan Claytor, “Michigan State University Comic Art and Graphic Novel Podcast: Episode 028 - Jamal Igle,” MSU Comic Art & Graphic Novel Podcast, April 1, 2019,

Identity and Culture in Roman Africa: An Interview with Jennifer A. Rea – AAIHS,” Black Perspectives (blog), November 24, 2017,

The Soul of Black Comics: An Interview with John Jennings,” Black Perspectives, October 14, 2017,

Black Masculinity in Comic Books: An Interview with Jonathan Gayles – AAIHS,” Black Perspectives, March 29, 2017,

Dawud Anyabwile is the artist and co-creator of Brotherman Comics. In this interview Dawud talks with me about the origins of Brotherman, the early Hip Hop influences and how the visual narrative of this seminal comic evolved.

Brandon Easton is writer of comics, television, and animation. In this interview he discusses his journey to become a professional writer, the challenge represented by being a creative professional from a diverse background.

John Jennings is the artist and scholar shaping the modern narrative about Afrofuturism. In this interview he talks with me about his comic work, his vision to support new artists and his great new adaptation of the Octavia Butler's Kindred.

Ganzeer is the pseudonym an Egyptian artist who gained fame with his politically theme art during the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. In this interview we discuss his take on politics, art, and culture. His new comic project, The Solar Gird blends classic dystopian comics themes with contemporary environmental concerns to create something worth your time.

“Beyond Impossible: Super Sikh Makes Diversity Cool,”, July 5, 2016,

“Beyond Impossible: BLACK in the Black,”, February 11, 2016,

“Beyond Impossible: ‘BLACK’ at First Glance,”, February 4, 2016,

“Beyond Impossible: T.A.S.K. Continues a Journey of Self-Discovery for Damion Gonzales,”, October 11, 2015,

“Beyond Impossible: Electrogenesis and the Legacy of Milestone,”, July 24, 2015,

“Beyond Impossible: The Vision of Hannibal Tabu,”, June 21, 2015,

“Beyond Impossible: Jiba Molei Anderson’s Afro-Odyssey,”, January 28, 2015,