Take Off
I’m excited the the exhibit on Canadian comic artist I co-curated with Zack Kruse is open.
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This exhibit is in conjunction with the 2019 MSU Comics Forum. Since the keynote artist is Seth, the theme for the exhibit is Canadian Comics.
I was not planning on curating exhibit my first semester, but the oppportunity arose as Randy Scott, the librarian behind the Comic Arts Collection opted to set back a bit from activities.
Enter the new guy and Zack Kruse. Zack has been operating as the academic director for the festival. With his departure (he is finishing up a Ph.D.), I’m setting up to take that role. I’m learning the ropes from Zack and we handled this exhibit pretty well. Installation was made easier by the Amazing MSU Library staff.
The exhibit
This exhibit will be on display until February 24th. If you get the chance, drop by and check it out.